
The Wayne State University Secretary/Office of the President and the Division of Finance and Business Affairs/Office of the Vice President, coordinates the editing, review, issuance, and archiving of all official Wayne State University policies.

Policy subjects within this site are presented in 12 sections: Academic, Administrative (general), Budget, Computing and Information Technology, Equal Opportunity, Finance and Business Affairs (i.e. Business & Auxiliary Operations, Facilities Planning & Management, Fiscal Operations, Human Resources, Procurement & Strategic Sourcing and Risk Management)  Labor Relations, Legal, Public Safety, Research, Student and Other.

Within each section, you will find standardized policies that have been created through the WSU official development and approval process and other resources to aid university personnel in conducting and managing day-to-day university business affairs.

WSU policies clarify the institution's expectations of its faculty, staff and students, mitigate institutional risks, improve efficiency and effectiveness as well as, support the university's compliance with laws, regulations and industry best practices.

The documentation of university policies and procedures, promotes the standardization and simplification of administrative functions and is a reference for those who have administrative responsibilities within the university.

Please refer to the WSU Policy Levels and Manuals option from the left menu of this page for additional information.