10.5 Test v16
10.5 Policy and Procedure Documentation
ADMINISTRATIVE RESPONSIBILITY: Vice President, Finance and Business Operations
1) Policy owners will review administrative policy and procedure documentation and propose revisions, at minimum, every three (3) years. Proposed revisions to the Administrative Policy and Procedure Manual (APPM) are drafted by the administrative policy owner and shared with applicable stakeholders across campus to encourage and collect feedback for consideration throughout the review process. Stakeholder groups should include the Administrative Conference, the Dean's Council and other relevant individuals or groups potentially impacted by the proposed policy revisions. Proposed policy revisions which have been shared with stakeholders are then presented to the WSU APPM Policy Committee (Committee).
2) The Committee consists of representatives from the offices of the Division of Finance & Business Operations, Provost, Secretary to the Board and General Counsel and is chaired by the Vice President of Finance & Business Operations. This Committee reviews proposed additions or changes to the APPM for compliance with other university policies and procedures and federal/state laws that are applicable to those departments that are concerned with the policy matter.
3) Once new or revised administrative policies have been approved for issuance by the Committee, the online version of the APPM is updated and the changes are communicated to appropriate university representatives and/or groups.
4) The APPM is maintained online by the Division of Finance and Business Operations/Office of the Vice President and Business Tech Solutions.
This policy covers all employees involved in APPM policy-making or revision processes.
1) Policy A predetermined course of action established as a guide toward accepted university strategies and objectives as specified by the Board of Governors' statutes, Executive Orders of the President, and federal, state and municipal laws or other prescribed course(s) of action as defined in the APPM. (A policy reflects the objectives of the university.)
2) Procedure The means/steps by which a policy's actions can be accomplished. (Procedures provide continuing guidelines to management for making daily decisions.
Disclaimer: Consult https://policies.wayne.edu/appm to confirm current policy. Page 2 of 3
1) Wayne State University administrative policies and procedures are documented in the Administrative Policy and Procedure Manual (APPM) in a prescribed format. (See APPM section 10.5.1., Documentation Guidelines)
2) New and revised administrative policies and procedures are drafted by the policy owner, shared with stakeholders to collect and assess feedback, presented and approved by the WSU APPM Policy Committee, communicated by the policy owner to campus representatives and/or groups and updated and maintained electronically online.
1) Policy Owner
a) Review and/or revise existing policies, at minimum, every three (3) years.
b) Draft proposed policy and procedure in proper format. (See APPM section 10.5.1, Documentation Guidelines)
c) Policy owner identifies and works with stakeholders to review subject matter & content. Stakeholders seek feedback from groups potentially impacted by the policy or policy revision including the Administrative Conference and the Dean's Council. d) Forward draft to the WSU APPM Policy email, copy VP, FBO Assistant.
2) WSU APPM Policy Committee (Committee)
a) Review draft proposed policy and procedures.
b) Invite proposed policy VP, Associate VP or Assistant VP and Designee to monthly policy committee meeting for review of draft proposed policy and procedures.
c) Advise policy owner of any concerns on content and make recommendations to comply with documentation guidelines.
d) If edits are required, the policy owner resubmits to the Committee and completes the presentation to the Committee again.
e) If no edits are required and the WSU APPM Policy Committee approves the policy or revision, the approval date is incorporated into the policy documentation, as the "reviewed date" or "revised date." f) The Committee Secretary submits the approved policy in electronic format to Business Technology Solutions (BTS) ticket system.
3) Business Technology Solutions a) Format the policy for the APPM website and confirm web page layout with the APPM Secretary. b) Upload the approved policy to the policy website and close the BTS ticket, notifying the APPM Secretary that the policy has been posted.
4) WSU APPM Policy Committee Secretary a) Notify the policy owner or designee having administrative responsibility that the policy has been posted on the website.
5) Policy Owner or designee a) Issue the new or revised policy to those departments or employee groups indicated in the policy scope statement as being impacted by the subject matter.
10.5 Policy and Procedure Documentation WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY
Disclaimer: Consult https://policies.wayne.edu/appm to confirm current policy Page 3 of 3
b) Ensure appropriate steps are taken to implement policy.
Effective Date: REQUIRED: Click here to enter the date the policy was first put into effect
Revised Date: 7/17/2017
Reviewed Date: in process
To be reviewed, at minimum, every three years and/or revised as needed by: Vice President, Finance and Businesss Operations
Next Review Date: Click here to enter the date the policy will next be reviewed
1) N/A
1) 1/8/2016