10.11.1 University Art Collection Committee (Revised as of 2/26/14)


Pursuant to University Policy 04-1 the University Art Collection Committee provides administrative oversight of the UAC and reports directly to the President or the President’s designee through the Dean of the College of Fine, Performing and Communication Arts who serves as the Committee Chair. The committee will provide advice and direction regarding the management of artwork displayed on university property, including commissioned art, future acquisitions, and the artwork
already in the UAC. The committee is responsible for making decisions regarding the purchase and
commission of artwork, the acceptance of gifts of art into the UAC and the deaccessioning of objects.

This committee will be comprised of:

  1. the Dean of the College of Fine, Performing and Communication Arts, who will also serve as UAC chair;
  2. a representative from the Office of the President;
  3. a representative from the Office of the Dean of the College of Fine, Performing and Communication Arts;
  4. a representative from Development and Alumni Affairs;
  5. a representative from Risk Management;
  6. a representative from Finance and Business Operations;
  7. the Director of the Wayne State University Art Galleries or another member of the James Pearson Duffy Department of Art and Art History;
  8. the Chairperson of the James Pearson Duffy Department of Art and Art History or his or her designee
  9. an additional faculty representative associated with the University’s visual-culture programs as identified by the UAC chair; and
  10. the Curator/ Coordinator of the UAC

The Curator/Coordinator will oversee the day to day operations of the UAC and provide advice and direction regarding its management. The Committee will meet a minimum of twice a year with additional meetings as needed.