3.0.1 Approval Of Personnel Action

(Ref.: Board Statute 2.50.03 and Executive Order 83-3)


Reserved Authority

The Board of Governors reserves solely to itself the authority to:

  1. Grant continuing tenure.

  2. Award the rank of (full) professor.

  3. Approve a non-scheduled salary awarded simultaneously with a grant of tenure or award of the rank of (full) professor.

In addition, the Board of Governors reserves solely to itself the authority to appoint Vice Presidents, deans, and other executive and administrative officers of equivalent rank. It is the intention of the Board of Governors to exercise the authority reserved in this paragraph after recommendation by the president, following approved University procedures; but the Board reserves the authority in extraordinary cases to act in these matters on its own initiative.

Presidential Authority

The Board of Governors delegates to the president the authority to make and approve all other personnel actions, including, but not limited to, appointments, renewals, promotions, reclassifications, and, except for personnel actions reserved to the Board in this statute, exceptions to standing policies, regulations, statutes, and salary schedules. All such actions by the president for salaried personnel and volunteer faculty shall be reported to the Board at their next regular meeting.

Sub-delegation of Authority

The Board of Governors authorizes the president to sub-delegate authority in this statute. No authority whatsoever is vested in any person to exercise any of the authority granted by the Board of Governors to the president, except pursuant to a specific sub-delegation by the president. The president shall report sub- delegation of authority under this statute to the Board of Governors for their information.