7.5 International Travel (Revised 11-01-2017)
The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance for university travelers about procedures for processing international travel expense reimbursements. Rules governing international travel can be found in University Policy 16-2 at http://policies.wayne.edu/administrative/16-2_international_travel.php. Reimbursement requests for international travel follow the same guidelines as the general travel policy. However, Travel Requests for international travel must be submitted and approved prior to departure. In addition to airfare, car rentals, lodging, etc., the traveler will be reimbursed for applicable visa fees, required immunizations, airport taxes, exchange rate fees, and other items necessary for conducting university business.
Travel Expense Reports must be submitted in U.S. dollars with documentation and translation of the foreign receipts and their currency conversions. Travelers must use the currency rates that were in effect on the date the expense was incurred. Travelers must use standard websites such as http://www.oanda.com/ or http://www.xe.com/ to obtain the conversion rates.
Expense reimbursements should be processed via the university's TravelWayne system in accordance with established procedures.