Expenses for the Entertainment of Employees using Designated Accounts (1-27-2025)

Administrative Responsibility:   Associate Director of Disbursements, reporting to the AVP for Business Services


This policy identifies the method under which the President may set up Designated Funds for the purpose of Entertainment of Employees.



  1. Designated Fund.  The Designated Funds consist of current unrestricted resources for which the Board of Governors designates a specific purpose. No stipulation is made by the donor or other external agency as to their expenditure. Accounts may be used for the purposes below only.
  2. DPR - The online WayneBuy Requisition form generated by a department to request payment to individual or a company without the issuance of a purchase order.  See APPM 1.3.2 Direct Payment Requests.
  3. WayneBuy - The University eProcurement & Requisitioning System used for the placement of all regular purchase orders and payment of invoices submitted by Departments through the direct payment request (DRP) process.


The university permits reimbursement of entertainment expenses for university employees with certain restrictions and guidelines, as described in APPM section 1.3.1, Expense Guidelines. In general, at least one of the participants must be a non-employee or student of the university. However, it is recognized that for certain university officials to effectively perform their duties it is necessary that they be able to entertain selected employees and staff members while engaging in university business including motivational activities that help foster a positive environment.


Each of the following units may establish a separate account in the Designated Fund, using available unrestricted (i.e., unrestricted gifts) funds. General Fund monies or accounts cannot be used for these accounts. The account is to be used by the head of the respective unit, as indicated below, for the entertainment of employees.

Depending upon the availability of funds, the dean will determine the amounts available per fiscal year for use within each College or School.  The president is responsible for this determination for each administrative division.

  1. The responsible office for each account must maintain detailed records as to:
    1. Purpose of meeting(s)
    2. Who attended
    3. Receipts for all expenses  
  2. The funds should be used for staff retreats, staff small gifts, room rental, meals, or refreshments (i.e., no club dues, etc. are allowed).

  3. Spouses or social friends are not to be included as participants.

  4. Entertainment at home is not allowed unless prior approval is obtained from the appropriate Vice President, or the President. When entertainment at home is being considered, it may be appropriate to include spouses/guests. Therefore, any request for home entertaining should indicate if approval for spouse/guest attendance is requested as well. The guest list must be submitted with the request.

  5. Expenses not related to the entertainment of employees are to be in accordance with general guidelines of APPM section 1.3.1, Expense Guidelines, and are not to be charged to these special accounts.

This policy is intended to cover those situations where it is beneficial to have a designated account for meetings over lunch, dinner, etc. with specific individuals or groups of staff members. Staff retreats are covered under Item C of APPM section 1.3.1, Expense Guidelines.





  1. Maintain a record for all covered meetings, events, etc. including records required by the policy statement.

  2. After each meeting or series of meetings, complete an IRB or a DPR as appropriate. For an Internal- Requisition and Inter-Account Bill (IRB) form 10-108A follow procedure in APPM Section 1.4, Internal Billing. For reimbursement on a Direct Payment Request (DPR), follow instructions in APPM 1.3.2 Direct Payment Requests. For either of the above, include:

    1. List each event (meeting) with the total dollar amount, meeting place, and length of meeting.

    2. State purpose of meeting.

    3. List attendees, with their titles, for each event.

    4. Attach or upload receipts as appropriate

  3. Submit the IRB or DPR to Disbursements.


  1. Audit IRB or DPR for accuracy and process transaction.



  1. APPM 1.3.1 - Expense Guideline
  2. APPM 1.3.2 Direct Payment Requests
  3. APPM 1.4 Internal Billing
  4. APPM 2.1 General Procurement Guidelines.

Effective Date: Prior to 2000

Revised Date: 1/27/2025

Reviewed Date: 1/27/2025

To be reviewed, at minimum, every three years and/or revised as needed by:  Associate Director of Disbursements, reporting to the AVP for Business Services

Next Review By Date: 1/31/2028


  1. N/A


2-11-2015, Prior to Year 2000