4.5 Renewal of Personnel from Expired Grant Contract Account (Policy is currently under review)


Employees charged (assigned) to an expiring grant/contract account must be reassigned to another account if the expiration date of that account is not officially extended. This does not apply to employees whose term appointment (contract period) ends before or on the grant expiration date.

  1. If the grant is extended, and an employee has a contract period which,

    • Is not ending, process Renewal of Personnel from Expired Grant/Contract Account, 705.

    • Is ending prior to or on the expiration date of the account, a 705, and a Personnel Assignment (PASS), 787, MUST be initiated to extend the appointment period or to terminate employment.

  2. If the grant is not continued (hence, expired) and employment at WSU is to continue,

If an employee who is assigned to a grant/contract account is not reassigned, the charges for the employee's university term/appointments (contracts) that have not expired are placed into a suspense account. If the paperwork is not in Payroll by the end of the pay period following the pay period in which the grant expired, the charges are removed from the suspense account and applied to the Dean's Office General Fund account by Fiscal Operations. This continues until the paperwork for processing and charges to the new account are received in Payroll. No reversals of the charges taken from the suspense account and transferred to the Dean's Office General Fund account are permitted.

NOTE: It should be noted that if an appointment is not renewed prior to its expiration, the employee's pay will be stopped (see APPM section 3.3.10, Renewal of Appointment).





  1. Review system-generated Renewal of Personnel from Expired Grant/Contract Account, 705.

  2. Send 705 to Principal Investigator/Employing Unit 60 - 70 days prior to the expiration date of the grant/contract.

Principal Investigator/ Employing Unit

  1. Verify Grant/Contract Expiration Date.

  2. If Grant/Contract is continuing, complete 705 by indicating account number and expiration date.

  3. If Grant/Contract is not continuing,

  4. For a non-continuing grant, indicate "No Continuation" in the "To Account Number/Expiration Date" section of the 705and complete a Personnel Assignment (PASS), 787, for each individual to change their charge and process in accordance with APPM section 3.2, Appointment Process.

    • NOTE: Do not alter any information in the description section of 705.
  5. For an employee, if his/her contract ends before a grant/contract expires, process a PASS to renew or terminate the assignment.

  6. Sign and send 705 to Dean/Director.


  1. Review and sign 705 to indicate approval.

  2. If not approved, return to Principal Investigator/Employing Unit.

  3. If approved, send 705 to ORSPS.


  1. Review and sign 705 to indicate approval.

  2. If not approved, return to Principal Investigator/Employing Unit.

  3. If approved, send 705 to Payroll.


  1. Verify and process 705.

  2. Send copy of 705 to Human Resources.

Human Resources

  1. Enter change into HRS.

  2. Generate a new PASS.