8.13 Stores


The Central Stores Department supplies selective duplicating/copier supplies, stationery, paper and some chemicals to university departments. A supply catalog, listing items available is periodically distributed to all university departments and is available on-line in MTS, by issuing the following command: $SOURCE LBM1:STORES. The supply items are available by listing on Requisition for Stock Office Supplies, form 108B (refer to APPM section 8.4, Bookstore), supporting it for payment with an Internal Requisition and Inter-Account Bill (IRB), form 108A (refer to APPM section 1.4, Internal Billing). Contact the Stores Department for further information.





  1. Complete form 108B listing desired items from the catalog.

  2. Acquire authorizing signature of the Account Administrator.

  3. If a single IRB is used for payment, attach it to form 108B.

  4. If a Standing IRB is used, include the number in appropriate box on form.

  5. Submit completed form(s) to Central Stores.

Central Stores

  1. Review form 108B and IRB for accuracy and completeness.

  2. Fill the order for requested supplies.

  3. Transfer items to Receiving for delivery.

  4. Submit billing for supplies ordered.


  1. Deliver supplies to requesting department on next regularly assigned delivery day.