8.9 Microfilm Service Bureau


The Microfilm Service Bureau provides centralized microfilming service for university documents with the objective of reducing costs related to records storage and space and to effect security measures for vital records. The Bureau provides a variety of micro-record services at rates less than those available in the commercial market.


It is recommended that the Microfilm Service Bureau be used for microfilming university documents except in the case of an emergency.




Customer Department

  1. Request microfilming services by preparing an Internal Requisition and Inter-account Bill (IRB), form 108A, following directions on the back of the form and APPM section 1.4, Internal Billing.

  2. Prepare documents for microfilming (i.e. remove staples, paper clips, etc.) and arrange in order needed.

    • NOTE: The customer department has the option of preparing documents according to the specified guidelines, or they may purchase the preparation service for a nominal fee.
  3. Attach IRB to documents to be microfilmed and forward to the Microfilming Department.

Microfilm Service Bureau

  1. Review IRB for accuracy.

  2. Microfilm and return to the customer department.

  3. Prepare billing and forward to Accounting.


  1. Process the transaction as a journal entry.