5.2.2 Request For Reimbursable Work


Reimbursable work requested by departments is a chargeable service performed by Facilities Planning and Management (FPM)and must be estimated prior to the start of work. Approved projects are to be accompanied by an encumbered Internal Requisition and Inter-Account Bill (IRB), form 108A (refer to APPM section 1.4, Internal Billing), for the amount of the project.

Only requests for keys are exempted from the normal estimate procedure. A Standing IRB is to be encumbered for an annual cost and will serve as authorization for individual key requests.(See procedure on Campus Keys, APPM section 5.3).




Schools, Colleges, Divisions, Programs, Units

  1. Complete top half of General Improvements Request Form (GIRF), form 3303.

  2. Acquire appropriate signatures.

    • NOTE: An estimate/bid may be requested from outside contractor(s).
  3. Send GIRF to FPM.

Facilities Planning and Management

  1. Assign FPM GIRF number to request.

  2. Notify requester of receipt of GIRF and assigned number.

  3. Estimate work described on request.

  4. Notify requesting department of results of analysis and request on Inter-Account Bill (IRB), form 108A, from requestor.

  5. Provide monthly report of the GIRF status to Building Coordinators.

Schools, Colleges, Divisions, Programs, Units

  1. Approve or reject estimate.
  • If rejected, notify FPM of rejection.
  • If approved, sign in GIRF estimate section, encumber IRB for amount of estimate and return both the GIRF and the fully-authorized IRB to FPM.

Facilities Planning and Management

  1. Identify project as active and report to appropriate FPM department for scheduling.

  2. Schedule work on approved project internally or with outside contractor(s).

  3. Supervise implementation schedule and accuracy and quality of work.

  4. Notify department if requested deadline for completion is not likely.

  5. Notify department upon completion of work.

  6. Provide monthly report of current GIRF and project status to Building Coordinators.