3.1.2 Other Academic Positions Non-General Fund Subsidy Condition

(If General Fund or not Subsidy Condition, follow procedure for - Faculty and Academic Staff, APPM Section 3.1.1.)


Subsidy Condition

Appointments, whether in instruction, administration or research, which are expressly related to a subsidy of limited duration, terminate with cessation of the subsidy.




Employing Unit

  1. Prepare Position Action Request, form 1489, and indicate who is being replaced and his/her last day of work, if appropriate.

  2. Send form 1489 to Dean/Director.


  1. Verify availability of funds and sign form 1489.

  2. Send form 1489 to Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSPS).


  1. Verify that appointment is subsidy condition.

  2. If not, send form 1489 to The Provost (refer to procedures in APPM section 3.1.1, Academic Positions).

  3. If subsidy condition,

    1. Review for funding support.

    2. Return form 1489 to Employing Unit if budget is not available.

    3. Send form 1489 to Human Resources if position is approved.

Human Resources

  1. Prepare and circulate posting.