3.1.3 NonAcademic Positions



Non-Academic positions Non-Academic positions include all classifications except those defined in Executive Order 85-4, Recommendation For Appointment of Faculty and Academic Staff as faculty and academic staff.




Employing Unit

  1. Prepare Position Action Request,10-1489, and indicate who is being replaced and his/her last day of work, if appropriate.

  2. Retain copy and send remaining copies of 10-1489 to Dean/Director.

Dean/Director/Senior Officer

  1. Verify availability of funds and sign 10-1489.

  2. Retain copy and send remaining copies for positions supported:

    1. Entirely by the General Fund (1-XXXXX) and/or Auxiliary Fund (2-27XXX) to Human Resources.

    2. All or in part by other funds (2-XXXXX, 3-XXXXX, or 4-XXXXX) to the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs Services (ORSPS).


  1. Review and sign 10-1489 to indicate approval for funding support.

  2. If budget is inadequate, return 10-1489 to Employing Unit.

  3. If budget is adequate, send approved 10-1489 to Human Resources.

Human Resources

  1. Designate the classification.

  2. Verify budget availability for general fund positions.

  3. If no budget is available, return 10-1489 to Employing Unit.

  4. If budget is adequate, prepare and circulate posting.


  1. Apply for posted position(s)in writing to Employment Services.