1.17 Progressive Correction Action

In order to assure conformity with University policy and procedures, unit heads must, with respect to staff who do not serve at the pleasure of the President or his/her designee, consult with Employment Services as to matters of progressive corrective action. This consultation shall take place prior to the institution of progressive corrective action except in the case of acts that constitute a threat to life, person or property, or gross insubordination, or offenses of a comparable magnitude. In sure cases, unit heads may place the employee on suspension while consultation takes place with Employment Services. With respect to staff who serve at the pleasure of the President or his/her designee, consultation with Human Resources is encouraged.

Staff who do not serve At the Pleasure of the President or his/her designee

Progressive corrective action may be taken at the discretion of a division/department head when the staff member does not meet the duties and responsibilities of his/her position and/or does not follow established policies, procedures, practices, rules and regulations. Staff members will be given reasonable notice of position requirements and University policies and procedures as well as proper notice of the failure to meet required conditions.

Staff who serve At the Pleasure of the President or his/her designee

Progressive corrective action may be taken by the appropriate supervisor at the discretion of the supervisor. Application of progressive corrective action to a staff member holding an "at will" appointment does not in any way lessen the University administration's right in its sole discretion and without any other procedures to separate such a staff member from the position or the University.