04-2 Supplier Diversity Program (Third Release)

  1. Purpose
    1. The purpose of this policy is to enhance successful business relationships between Minority owned, Woman owned and any Socially or Economically Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (Diverse Businesses) and Wayne State University, through the implementation of programs that will require a consistent and high level of participation from all university units.
    2. Wayne State University is committed to actively seeking goods and services fromdiverse businesses.  We strive to enhance our supplier base to reflect the markets we service.
  2. Diverse Business Classifications 
    Wayne State University defines diverse businesses as minority, women, and socially or economically disadvantaged business enterprises that are at least 51% owned, opeated and controlled by U.S. citizens who are members of one or more of the diverse owned businesses, or in the case of a publicly owned business, at least 51% of the stock is owned by a divser group(s), that meet the following criteria: 
    1. Minority Business Enterprise (MBE)
      1. African Americans (Black) A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa. 
      2. Hispanic Americans  All persons of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central, Latin or South American, Portuguese, or other  Hispanic origin regardless of race.
      3. Native Americans All persons having origins in any of the original peoples of North America and who maintain cultural identification through tribal affiliations or Eskimos, Aleuts, and native Hawaiians.
      4. Asian/Pacific Americans All persons having origins in any of the peoples of Japan, China, Vietnam, Korea, Samoa, Guam, U.S. Trust Territories of the Pacific Island, Northern Mariana Island, Laos, Cambodia, or Taiwan.
      5. Asian/Indian Americans All persons having origins in India, Pakistan, or Bangladesh.
    2. Women-Owned Business Enterprise (WBE)
    3. Disability-Owned Business Enterprise (DBE)
      A person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities; there is a record of such an impairment; or is regarded has having such an impairment.  
    4. Veteran Owned Business Enterprise (VBE)
    5. Service-Disabled Veteran Business (VOSB)
    6. Women Owned Small Business (WOSB)
    7. Small Business Enterprise (SBE)
    8. HUBZone Business Enterprise
    9. Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual, and Transgender Business Enterprise (GLBT)
  3. Certification Requirements
    Validation of a supplier's diverse status is preferred for participation in the Wayne State University Supplier Diversity Program.  Certification documents from the following qualified agencies are acceptable:
    • National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC)
    • Michigan Minority Supplier  Development Council (MMSDC)
    • National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO)
    • Women's Business Enterprise Council (WBENC)
    • City, State, or Federal Certification Agencies
  4. Policy
    1. It is the policy of Wayne State University, through its Supplier Diversity Program, to increase the business opportunities for diverse businesses.   The University's commitment is to maximize diverse business participation through the development of mutually beneficial business relationships with such firms.  The effort is university-wide and includes traditional procurement and contracted services as well as subcontracting and joint venture activities.
    2. It is the responsibility of all schools/colleges/divisions, along with Procurement & Strategic Sourcing and Facilities Planning and Management, to seek out  diverse businesses and take the steps necessary to assure that these businesses receive a fair share in the economic opportunities available.
    3. The program is intended to build an awareness of the University's Supplier Diversity efforts and to provide opportunities for diverse businesses   While the University does not practice set-asides, it makes every effort to provide opportunities and assistance to diverse business suppliers to do business with the University.
    4. This program is developed, not as a response to outside regulatory agencies or mandatory requirements, but as an effort to recognize and support programs which can enhance the minority communities.
  5. Coordination
    1. The coordination efforts are vested in the AVP of Procurement & Strategic Sourcing (Procurement)in the Division of Finance and Business Operations, the AVP of Facilities, Planning and Management, and the AVP of the Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO). However, the commitment to this program is a University-wide goal and all functional units must contribute to its success.
  6. Function
    1. In support of this policy, Wayne State University will:
      1. Increase departmental awareness of University supplier diversity objectives and opportunities;
      2. Educate suppliers about how to conduct business with the University;
      3. Provide reasonable business opportunity to diverse businesses to participate as suppliers, contractors, and subcontractors for the University.
    2. The Division of Finance and Business Operations, primarily through its Procurement and Facilities Planning and Management units, and the OEO, will guide and support the University's commitment to enhancing and encouraging business opportunities and diversity among its suppliers. It is their responsibility to provide guidance for the University, and to the suppliers, in order to promote the utilization ofdiverse suppliers for the procurement of goods and services for the University community.
    3. Jointly, Procurement and OEO will manage the process within the University's policies and procedures; however, all Schools/Colleges/Divisions must be instrumental in embracing the program and working together to meet the University's global diversity goals and objectives.
  7. Program Initiatives
    1. Establish and maintain a University-wide committee representing a cross-functional team to assist Procurement and Facilities Planning and Management in promoting and enhancing  business withdiverse businesses. The committee will be co-chaired by the AVP of Procurement and the AVP of OEO.
    2. Foster, develop and promote business in under represented sectors. This program is intended to encourage units within the University to seek out, mentor and utilize qualified diverse businesses in all areas but especially in those areas that are under represented.
    3. Foster, develop and promote underutilized businesses in a subcontracting or joint venture purchasing program. This program is intended to encourage current large University vendors to share our values by subcontracting with and utilizing minorities, women owned, and socially or economically disadvantaged companies. This program will be monitored on a routine basis to ensure growth and opportunities for these diverse suppliers and results will be reported annually.
    4. Educate the University community so that all units will become fully aware of this policy and participate in increasing purchases from diverse businesses. 
    5. Monitor and record all expenditures with diverse businesses and report results on an annual basis.
    6. Strengthen the capabilities and growth of diverse businesses by sponsoring programs/training and technology classes to enhance their business opportunities.
    7. Increase the University's involvement in the Detroit community and its various business associations and programs.
  8. Duration
    1. This university policy is revocable at any time at the discretion of the President and without notice.
  9. Effective Date
    1. This university policy is effective upon issuance.
    2. This University Policy supersedes University Police 04-2, Second Release.

Signed by President Kimberly Andrews Espy, July 24, 2024.