8.1.5 Distribution of Forms


Central Stores issues supplies of universal forms and controls the amount distributed. This amount is based on reasonable and actual needs of the requester and the university community.

Generally, a request for a quantity greater than 50 is considered excessive, and must be approved by the Forms Specialist. The order is filled by Central Stores if authorized by the Forms Specialist.





  1. Complete Request for W.S.U. Universal Forms, form 169.

  2. Send request to:

  3. Forms Specialist, if quantity is over 50.

  4. Central Stores, if quantity is less than 50.

Forms Specialist

  1. Confirm actual need of quantity requested.

  2. Adjust quantity as necessary.

  3. Authorize amount over maximum limit and forward form 169 to Central Stores.

Central Stores

1. Fill request.