3.2.6 Student Assistants


This section details the procedure for employment of student assistants. Further information is available in the Employer's Guide to Student On-Campus Employment, or by consulting University Placement Services.


Student Assistant

One of several categories of student employment, excluding graduate assistants and work study. A student assistant is not considered a regular employee. He/she needs the flexibility of employment hours and, in general, does not average over 20 hours per week while attending classes. (Reference Board Statute 2.33.02 and Student Handbook.)


A U.S. citizen or lawful Permanent Resident who is an undergraduate student enrolled for at least eight credit-hours, or a graduate student enrolled for at least four credit-hours, is eligible to be employed as a student assistant. A person who holds a non-immigrant visa (a F-1 or J-1 student) enrolled for at least twelve credit-hours as an undergraduate, or eight credit-hours as a graduate, is also eligible for student employment. All student assistants must comply with APPM section 3.0.12, Verification of Employment Eligibility.




Employing Unit

  1. If posting is desired, complete Request for Student(s), form 1303, and send to University Placement Services.

  2. Provide student desiring employment with the bulletin titled Verification of Employment Eligibility, regarding the Form I-9 process.

  3. Prepare Personnel Assignment (PASS),form 787.

NOTE: Be sure to include pay level and classification code.

  1. Obtain completed tax cards, and Personal Data, Undergraduate/Graduate Student Assistant, form 703, from the student.

NOTE: If foreign student (qualifying under the above stated policy), provide with Verification of U.S. Non-Citizen Eligibility for Employment, form 1321.

  1. Send the completed forms to University Placement Services.


  1. Report to:

    1. Human Resources, if citizen or lawful Permanent Resident, to complete Form I-9 process;

    2. International Services, with form 1321, if student holding a non-immigrant visa. (See APPM section 3.0.12, Verification of Employment Eligibility).

International Services

  1. Verify student's lawful employment authorization.

  2. Complete Form I-9 and forward to Employment Services.

  3. Complete form 1321 and forward to Personnel Records.

University Placement Services

  1. Review for hourly rate, account number, classification and level, and approval signatures.

  2. Verify that assignment is within guidelines.

  3. Send the forms to Human Resources.

Human Resources

  1. Enter assignment into HRS.

  2. Send copy of Personnel Assignment (PASS), form 787, and tax cards to Payroll.

  3. Distribute copies of PASS.

  4. Send Notice of Personnel Action (NPA), form 786, to Employing Unit for distribution to Student Assistant.