3.3.15 Tenure


Refer to the WSU/AAUP bargaining agreement and the faculty handbook for compensation specifics and eligibility requirement.





  1. Submit University P&T Committees' Recommendation to President.

President (or his/her designee)

  1. Notify unit of tenure decision.

NOTE: All tenure recommendations must be approved by the Board of Governors.

Employing Unit

  1. Notify employee in writing of tenure decision.

  2. Initiate Personnel Assignment (PASS), form 787, for "Granting of Tenure" and indicate whether 9 or 12 month tenure.

  3. Obtain all appropriate signatures.

  4. Forward PASS to Provost.


  1. Review and sign PASS to indicate approval.

  2. Forward PASS to Human Resources.

Human Resources

  1. Enter changes into HRS.

  2. Forward copy of PASS to Payroll and Benefits Administration.

  3. Distribute copies of PASS.

  4. Forward Notice of Personnel Action (NPA), form 786, to employee within ten (10) days.