3.3.7 Pay Rate Adjustment


Pay Rate Adjustment

Change in rate of pay. Examples of some pay adjustments using the Personnel Assignment (PASS), 787, are:

  1. Hourly Rate Adjustment

  2. Promotion

  3. Change in Amount per Term (includes "Correction in Compensation")

  4. Salary Adjustment

Multiple pay rate adjustments are processed by the Human Resource System (HRS).Some examples are:

  1. Across-the-Board/General Increase

  2. Merit

  3. Minimum Wage Adjustment

  4. Unit Selective

  5. Dean/Director's Selective

  6. President's Selective

For pay rate adjustments due to MINIMUM WAGE ADJUSTMENT, Payroll generates a report of all hourly employees earning less than the new minimum wage and enters the adjustments into the system.


Pay rate adjustments that require Board approval, i.e., contract settlements, are centrally funded and centrally processed.  They do not require input from Employing Units or employees. Any other increases come from the unit's available funds.  Such pay rate adjustments must be approved by the appropriate unit administrator, dean/director/senior officer and Human Resources/Provost prior to implementation. All non-academic staff pay rate adjustments not mandated by union contract or federal law require the approval of the vice president for finance and business operations.


To process an INDIVIDUAL pay rate adjustment, use the following procedures:



Employing Unit

  1. Prepare Personnel Assignment (PASS), 787.

  2. Send to dean/director/senior officer.

Dean/Director /Senior Officer

  1. Review and sign PASS to indicate approval.

  2. Send to Human Resources.

Human Resources/Provost

  1. Verify availability of funds and obtain approval vice president for finance and business operations for all non-academic staff salary increases.

  2. Enter change into HRS.

  3. Send copies of PASS to Payroll and Benefits Administration.

  4. Distribute copies of PASS.

  5. Send Notice of Personnel Action (NPA), 786, to employee.