3.3.9 Position Reclassification Non Academic



The changing of a position to a different classification on the basis of significant changes (a measurable increase or decrease in job content) in the basic duties, responsibilities and accountabilities inherent in the position.


Non-Represented Positions

A position incumbent and/or department may initiate review or re-evaluation of a position classification as a result of departmental reorganization, technological changes, expansion of duties or for other reasons. Review is effected upon receipt of a written request for non-academic position reclassification to the Classification and Compensation Department. The Classification and Compensation Department may also initiate investigation of position classifications to ensure compliance with classification system provisions All units are responsible for funding for reclassifications. The effective date is based on the date the completed position description questionnaire is received by the Classification and Compensation Department. The effective date identifies the time in which duties and responsibilities began being performed in a higher classification and salary grade. Compensation for work performed in the higher classification shall commence at the time of the established reclassification effective date.

If the position reclassification determines that the duties are reflective of a non-exempt classification, one that is eligible for overtime, or that of an exempt classification, one that is not eligible for overtime, then such a changes in benefit shall commence at the time of the established reclassification date.

Represented Positions

Position reclassification actions for represented personnel are handled pursuant to the terms and conditions of the appropriate collective bargaining agreement.




Position Incumbent and/or Department Head

  1. Forward written request for position reclassification to Classification and Compensation Department.

Classification and Compensation Department

  1. Forward Clerical/Technical Position Questionnaire, form797, or Administrative/Professional Position Questionnaire, form 797A, to incumbent and/or department head.

Position Incumbent and Department Head

  1. Complete and sign form 797 or 797A.

  2. Return completed form 797 or797A to Classification and Compensation Department.

Classification and Compensation Department

  1. Conduct on-site audit of position duties and responsibilities when deemed necessary.

  2. Evaluate position and determine appropriate classification.

  3. Prepare written narrative analysis of audit findings and discuss with department head.

  4. Forward written notification of recommendation to incumbent and/or department head.

Department Head

  1. Review department budget to ensure funding.

  2. Initiate Personnel Assignment (PASS), form 787, including new position number if non- general fund, and Position Action Request, form 1489, effecting staff promotion and/or demotion as may be required.

  3. Forward completed PASS and form 1489 to Classification and Compensation Department to effect staff promotion and/or demotion and salary adjustment.

Classification and Compensation Department

  1. Sign PASS and form 1489.

  2. Forward:

    1. PASS and form 1489 to the Budget Office if the job group changes;

    2. Copy of PASS to the Budget Office if job group is unchanged so the position classification code can be changed.

Budget Office

  • If a job group changes on a general or auxiliary fund position,

    1. Establish a new position in HRS.

    2. Contact the unit with the new position number.

    3. Forward PASS and form1489 to Employment Services for processing.

  • If the classification code changes, enter change in HRS.